Submission of paper
The following regulations must be followed while submitting paper to be
published in Arnava
Author Guidelines:
Preparation of the research paper
The paper can be sent for publication till 15th April and 15th
October of every year for forthcoming issues
Title of the paper, Name of the author, Designation Affiliation and
Abstract (100-125 words in Hindi & English both ), Keywords (maximum 10 Hindi & English both ), Main Paper,
Research paper/Article/Note etc. should not exceed 5000 words. In the
research paper maps, drawings
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Research paper in Hindi should be typed in APS or KRUTIDEV with font
size 13 and English
TIMES NEW ROMAN with font size 12 and 1.5 line space
All references cited within the research paper should be given in
the following format:
Style of references/ format of citations.
References within research paper should be cited as; if
single author (Singh, 1999:44-47); if two (Singh
and Srivastava, 1999:44-47); if more than two ;( Singh, ,1999: 44-47).
For more than one reference of the same author
from single year should be written as (Singh, 1999 a, b or
References at the end of the research paper/article(in
alphabetical order).
Singh, Atul Kumar:1999, New light on Rare Coins from
Rajghat Excavation, Arnava, Vol.1,No.2,Arnava
Publication, Varanasi
Singh,Atul Kumar & Ajay Srivastava:1999, New Light
on Rare Coins from Rajghat Excavation, Arnava,
Vol.1, No.2, Arnava Publication, Varanasi
Singh, Atul Kumar, Ajay Srivastava &Vijay Mohan :
1999, New Light on Rare Coins from Rajghat
Excavation, Arnava, Vol.1, No.2, Arnava Publication,
Government publications, reports related to the use of references.
Annual Report, 2011-2012, University Grants Commission,
Government of India.
References of edited books/Proceedings.
Pandy R.P.:1994, Rock Art Discoveries around Gwalior, Midhra
P.K. (Ed.); Heritage of India, Arnava Publication, Varanasi
Reference for Dissertation.
Tiwary, Sachin Kumar: 2007, Excavation at Agiyabir,
Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, Post Graduate Dissertation, Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi
Abbreviations for journals
E.I., A.I., A.S.I., A.R. (should be cited in full at the end
of paper)
Web addresses should be referred in research paper in the following
Sachin Kr. Tiwary, Retrieved on
dated 03.07.2015
A document consisting of Last Name, First Name, Middle Name,Gender,
Designation, Subject, Affiliation, Mobile Number/Phone Number, Email
Id and Address should be provided by the author for documentation
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merit by the editorial board and
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2320-0103) .
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